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CHAKRAMID is a Registered Trademark of Heart Projects, LLC and the book Rainbow Eyes, Chakramid Reflections is published by Heart Projects, LLC

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An Easy, New Way of Learning
About Your Chakras

as featured in the book Rainbow Eyes - CHAKRAMID Reflections

The second Power Pack, signified by the pyramid's triangular sides pointed upwards, focuses on our inner energy. The form of the triangles symbolizes the three elements of sound, light, and thought, corresponding with the last three Chakras. The 5th, 6th and 7th Chakras are often referred to as the "Golden Triangle," which is illustrated by the outline of a golden triangle shape at the tip of the Chakramid. The Golden Triangle represents the way of one's spiritual passage, and each level in it becomes smaller and smaller as one travels farther and farther from the physical, moving towards the barely visible tip and then beyond.

It is also important to consider the way the triangles are positioned in the pyramid.  They are perfectly seated and squared on the base, so a stable, balanced foundation is crucial to properly support them. The point of the triangle can be likened to the summit of a mountain, with the ascension of it leading to a higher plane, or to the inner, Higher Self.

Excerpt from
Rainbow Eyes - CHAKRAMID Reflections

the 2nd Power Pack    
what blocks a Chakra?  continue...
Chakra Blockages